On March 25 Mann Energy Solutions will be participating in a Greater Toronto Apartment Association webinar detailing the various aspects of electric vehicle charging in apartment buildings. We will be covering topics such as:
EV Sales Trends and Predictions
EV Charging Systems Parts
Technology Comparison
Tenant Billing Structure

The event will take place on March 25 from 10-10:30am and will be recorded for those that cannot make it for the actual presentation. It will be a good opportunity to learn about EV charging opportunities, your responsibilities as property managers/owners, and most importantly to ask us questions live. We look forward to seeing you there!
Link to sign up: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fwAoG-YxTtGLG1X50xHsNg
See Also
Mann Energy Solutions: EV Brochure
Mann Energy Solutions: EV Blog Posts