As mentioned in our previous blog post, Save on Energy is updating many of its incentive programs for businesses and industry.

Retrofit Program
The updated Retrofit Program will provide eligible business and industrial consumers incentives for a wide variety of energy saving equipment including: Lighting, HVAC, Manufacturing, Agriculture, and more. For equipment details and incentive limits please visit the Save on Energy program page.
Energy Performance Program
The updated Energy Performance Program will allow industrial consumers to participate alongside the previous target audience of commercial and institutional consumers. In addition to its expanded audience, the scope of the program now also includes incentives for Peak Demand energy savings.
Incentive Information:
Energy Incentive:
$0.04/kWh paid annually over the term of the contract for all metered savings compared against the facility baseline energy model developed prior to the first performance year.
Peak Demand Incentive:
An additional $50/kW paid annually over the three-year term for metered savings compared against the facility’s average peak demand over the summer months in the baseline year.
For more details on the Energy Performance Program, please visit the Save on energy Program page.